Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Fun with the Junior Cheerleaders

Today we had our second JDBC clinic of the year and it was pure success! Last year was the first year our team decided to do something a little different with our Junior Cheerleader program. In past years the DBC has offered one clinic per month for girls to take part in leading up to the final performance at several games throughout the season. There are no auditions required for the Junior girls to be a part of this program; in turn, the Denver Broncos Cheerleaders have a waitlist of awesome young ladies who would like to be a part of this gameday and clinic experience.

Last year we opened the program up to a second clinic of girls, allowing hundreds on our waiting list to move right up and experience the program. This growth has been such a new and exciting addition for our team; reaching more young girls and creating a far more dynamic gameday for the fans!

We have one clinic in the morning and a different squad in the afternoon. The girls learn a camp dance, an age-group specific dance and a finale, ultimately performing at three different games throughout the season of the Denver Broncos. We always integrate games, activities and new music to get the girls motivated and enthusiastic. These experiences enable the girls to see the value of team work, while enjoying the friendships that can be formed.

I personally coach the 12-14 year old age group, and we have a blast. My fellow 12-14 age group instructors include Laura Sobon, Serita Archuleta and head instructor and DBC alumni Sarah Silva.

The girls will be performing at their first game August 30. I think my favorite piece about the JDBC program is the ability to strike a chord and watch the passion grow for that which we all love! We have a common ground and with that bond we are able to laugh, grow and just have some good ol’ fun!

- Keela Harris (7/21/2007)

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